Template Tags

django-i18ntools provides some useful template tags and filters when dealing with internationalized URLs in templates.


i18ntools.templatetags.i18nurl(language_code, view, *args **kwargs)

Allows you to reverse a URL in a specific language. For example, if you wanted to link to the website in a different language, you could do this.

<a href="{% i18nurl 'en' 'home' %}">Welcome</a>
<a href="{% i18nurl 'es' 'home' %}">Bienvenido</a>
<a href="{% i18nurl 'zh' 'home' %}">欢迎</a>


i18ntools.templatetags.url_for_language(url, language_code)

This is a template interface to the i18ntools.utils.url_for_language() function.

You could use this to show links to the current page in a different language for example.

<a href="{{ request.path|url_for_language:'en' }}">español</a>